West Brans PS P3-P7, Dunbar Primary School Run P3, East Linton Primary P3-P7 School Run, Dunbar Primary P4-P7
Dunbar Primary will be using Friday morning for there run club P4-P7 at Dunbar primary lochend campus. It will be every Friday and run throughout the school year. NO matter the weather conditions the run will always be on. The club is run by 3 Team East Lothian Runners.
Dunbar Primary P3s will be using Tuesday mornings before school to do there P3 School Run at Dunbar Primary John Muir Campus. It will be on every Tuesday It will be on no matter the weather condition as we have the hall at the school so we can always go.
The run is 1500 Metres long.
East Linton Primary will be taking place on Thursday morning at East Linton Primary School fields. It is a 8:15am start. Children come with there running gear on and bring their school uniform to get changed into afterwards. We have use of school hall so even if its wet the run club will still happen.
The run is one mile long.
If the class has started you won't be able to book online however contact Active Schools Coordinator Gareth Hill on ghill@elcschool.org.uk to book your child on after if they wish to sign up during the year. The runs club are on every week through the school year.
Dunbar Athletics Club - Junior
If your child wishes to join Dunbar Junior Running club as they have because they have enjoyed the school run club and want to get more training please e-mail

Dunbar AS West Barns PS Run Club P1-P7
Run Club (West Barns PS Only)
West Barns Primary School (Grass Football Pitch)
Ages: P1-P7
Every Monday morning during school term
Prices: FREE

Dunbar AS East Linton PS Run Club P3-P7
Run Club (East Linton PS Only)
East Linton Primary School
Ages: P3-P7
Every Thursday Morning during school term
Prices: FREE
*On Every Thursday as gym hall is available if weather doesn't allow us outside)

Dunbar AS Primary School Run Club P3
Run Club (Dunbar PS Only)
Dunbar Primary John Muir Campus
Ages: P3
Every Tuesday morning during school term
Prices: FREE

Dunbar AS Primary Run Club P4-P7
Run Club (Dunbar PS Only)
Dunbar primary Lochend Campus
Ages: P4-P7
Every Friday during term time starting 16th August
Prices: FREE
Gareth Hill
Team Leader Primary Active Schools Coordinator (Dunbar Cluster/ Athelstaneford PS)
07976 377 642