General FS poster


Join the Wilder team in Lochend Woods for Forest School! Sessions run on Fridays, term time 2.00pm-4.15pm in 4 week blocks. We welcome children from P2 to P7 (CHILDREN SHOULD BE COMFORTABLE TO ATTEND THESE SESSIONS INDEPENDENTLY).  Our forest schoolers have the opportunity to take part in a whole range of experiences including shelter building, hammocks, rope play, climbing, fire lighting, games and tools. Each session begins and ends at the basecamp circle to build community and share ideas and stories.

Forest School follows a set of key principles:

·      Regular sessions rather than one-off visits. Our sessions take place in Lochend Woods with full support from the Lochend Community Woodland Group. Wilder already run holiday woodland camps on this site and we just love the diversity of trees, plants, animals, birds and insects! Each session is planned and resourced taking into consideration time of year, weather and considering the interests of our learners.  

·      Learners develop a relationship with the natural world - spending regular time in the same woodland over a longer period of time helps learners organically develop their knowledge and awareness of nature.

·      Holistic development - fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners Forest school encourages play and exploration, active learning, creativity and critical thinking

·      Learners take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves Wilder have a wide range of resources to facilitate risky play. Kids love to climb, crawl, jump, push, pull, hide and run – about half of our session time is dedicated to free play as part of a range of free choice activities. Taking risks is an important part of children’s physical and mental development -

·      Sessions are led by experienced and certified Forest School practitioners who maintain and develop their professional practice.  We are PVG checked and trained in outdoor first aid and child protection.

·      Range of learner-centred processes to create a community for development and learning. Learning is guided by the children’s needs and interests – learning and play is intrinsically motivated.

Instrustions for attendees

Please ensure you are dressed suitably for the weather e.g. waterproof trousers/jacket/warm layers including hat/gloves and waterproof shoes/wellies.   Prepare your child for this in advance of the session.

·      Wilder have a small range of spare waterproofs and boots – please return any equipment borrowed at the end of the session

·      Drop off and pick up point is on Kellie Road, halfway between Halhill and Middlemass Road. Lookout for the green 'Wilder' flag at entrance to woodland

·      Please ensure you're child has eaten lunch and been to the toilet before coming along

·      There are basic toilet facilities on site should your child need to use the toilet

·      Wilder will provide a warm drink/snack. Only bring a snack if you're child has specific dietary requirements.

·      We ask children not to bring sweets to forest school sessions.

·      Children should not bring mobiles, flint and steel or personal knives to the session

Active East Lothian Logo

Dunbar AS Forest Schools Friday

Forest School Friday

Lochend Woods (Dunbar)

2.00pm – 4.15pm

Activity Provider Wilder Outdoor Education

Age range P2 – P7

Friday 21st, 28th Feb 7th, 14th March

Price £70 (Cost for each block) 



(incl. VAT)

Gareth Hill


Gareth Hill

Team Leader Primary Active Schools Coordinator (Dunbar Cluster/ Athelstaneford PS)

07976 377 642