Forest School
Below is a new class we are offering in partnership with Wilder Outdoor Education WILDER OUTDOOR EDUCATION
What is Forest School? :
Forest School follow the same key principles:
- Regular sessions in a woodland or other natural environment, rather than one-off visits.
- Each session is well planned and resourced taking into consideration time of year, weather and interests of the learners each week. Learners are involved in planning and decision making.
- Develops a relationship between the learner and the natural world; spending regular time in the same place over a longer period of time will helps learners develop their knowledge and awareness of nature organically.
- Promotes holistic development - fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners Forest school encourages play and exploration, active learning, creating and critical thinking and social skills.
- Learners take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves. Wilder have a wide range of resources to facilitate risky play. Children love to climb, crawl, jump, push, pull, hide and run – about half of our session time is dedicated to free play as part of a range of free choice activities.
- Taking risks is an important part of children’s physical and mental development - learners are involved in discussions around risk. Some risk assessments have firm rules and operating procedures and others are more dynamic to allow us to respond to unexpected situations.
- Led by Forest School leader who maintains and develops their professional practice. Sessions are supported by a forest school assistant and a volunteer (typically Duke of Edinburgh student or teachers interested in developing their outdoor learning experience). Staff are PVG checked and trained in outdoor first aid and child protection.
- Range of learner-centred processes to create a community for development and learning - learning is guided by children’s own needs and interests – learning and play is intrinsically motivated.
Instructions for attendees
Please ensure your child is dressed suitably for the weather e.g. waterproof trousers/jacket/warm layers including hat/gloves and waterproof shoes/wellies. Wilder have a small supply of waterproof jackets and trousers if this is problematic to get hold of. Be mindful that outerwear is also used to protect from nettle stings and thorny plants.
* Drop off and pick up point is at the black gate next to staff car park. Lookout for the green 'Wilder' flag to denote meeting point. Please arrive in good time.
* Wilder will provide a snack and drink at every session - only bring a snack if you're child has specific dietary requirements. Please do not send sweets with your child as a snack as this can affect children's behaviour during the session.
* There are toilet facilities available in the school.
* Wilder will provide a warm drink/biscuit. Only bring a snack if you're child has specific dietary requirements.
* Children should not bring mobiles or personal knives/flint and steels to the session.
Haddington AS Forest School
Next block live to book from 3rd of February 2025 from 6pm
Forest School
Venue - Haddington Primary School Upper Campus Woodland
Age range P2 – P7
Price - £70
Dates - Wednesdays 19th, 26th February, 5th, 12th March
Activity Leader: Wilder Outdoor Education - Forest School Leader
If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child.