Delighted that Haddington PS have their Running Club on offer again. Details below.

Haddington PS P5-P7 Run Club
Ages: P5-P7
Fridays Ongoing (25th October 2024 - 4th April 2025)
Starts from 25th October
8.10-8.40am at Neilson Park
Price: FREE
Children should come to school with running stuff and with spare dry clothes in the event of bad weather.
There will be no changing facilities at the school before the club.
This club will be led by Mrs Arnold and Mr Goodbourn.
Parents/carers are invited to help out and join in the club also.
If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child.
Click blue book now to book. 4/4/25 is the last date the class can be booked.