North Berwick Active Schools Running Clubs
Aberlady Primary School Jog Club
The Aberlady Primary Schools Jog Club takes place every Thursday morning starting 29th August (excluding school holidays) from 8:00-8:45am on the football pitch next to the school. Each week, our excellent team of parent volunteers lead pupils through a series of running-based games and activities, offering the perfect opportunity to spend time outside getting active with their friends. The Jog Club is suitable for runners of all levels from P3-7.
This activity is currently at capacity. Please keep an eye out for updates from the school as spaces become available. Please email Stewart Sands, Active Schools Coordinator to check availability and join the waiting list:
This activity is available to Aberlady Primary School pupils only.
Athelstaneford Primary School Jog Club
The Athelstaneford Primary Schools Jog Club takes place every Wednesday morning starting 23rd August (excluding school holidays) from 8:15-8:45am. Each week the children will do runs in an d around the surrounding Athelstanford Village. The Jog Club is suitable for all levels P4-P7.
Gullane Primary School Running Club
The Gullane Primary School Running Club is back for 2024-25! The Running Club will be delivered by a fantastic team of volunteers, supported by Active Schools.
This activity will provide a great opportunity for pupils to improve their fitness, get outside and get active before school. On Tuesday mornings starting 3rd September, pupils will join their friends in a fun and energising running session, suitable for runners of all levels from P3-P7.
This activity is currently at capacity. Please keep an eye out for updates from the school as spaces become available. Please email Stewart Sands, Active Schools Coordinator to check availability and join the waiting list:
This activity is available to Gullane Primary School pupils only.

North Berwick AS Aberlady PS Jog Club P3-7
Aberlady Primary School Jog Club P3-7
Activity currently at capacity - please look out for updates from the school as spaces become available.
Venue: Football Pitch, Aberlady Primary School
Ages: P3 - P7
Dates: Every Thursday morning starting 29th August (excluding school holidays)
Time: 8:00 - 8:45am
Cost: FREE
Activity Leaders: Gordon Allan, Karen Polwart, Angela Latto, Kirsty Odds, David Fleetwood, Emma Mackintosh
Kit Required: Clothing and footwear appropriate for outdoor activity on grass (t-shirt and jumper, shorts and/or jogging bottoms/leggings, trainers); please dress appropriately for the often unpredictable weather and remember waterproofs during wet weather; change of shoes for school; water bottle with name on it.
If your child has previously benefitted from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child.
Open to Aberlady Primary School only.

North Berwick AS Athelstaneford Jog Club
Jog Club
Athelstaneford PS
Every Wednesday morning during school term starting 28th August

North Berwick AS Gullane PS Running Club P3-7
Gullane Primary School Running Club (Gullane PS Only)
Activity currently at capacity - please look out for updates from the school as spaces become available.
Venue: Meet at Gym Hall door (beside bike shelter), Gullane Primary School
Ages: P3 - P7
Dates: Tuesdays - Term 1, Block 2 - Oct 29th; Nov 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th; Dec 3rd (6 sessions)
Time: 8:15 - 8:45am
Cost: FREE
Activity Leaders: Eilidh Gordon, Kathryn Gordon & Laura Cooper
Kit Required: Footwear appropriate for outdoor activity on grass; please remember to bring a change of shoes for school; please dress appropriately for the often unpredictable weather - waterproofs, warm clothing, hats and gloves are advised as appropriate to the weather (the activity may move indoors if it is too wet); water bottle with name on it.
If your child has previously benefitted from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child.
Open to Gullane Primary School only.
Aberlady PS and Gullane PS
Stewart Sands l 07976 377956
Athelstaneford PS
Gareth Hill l 07976 377642
Dirleton PS and Law PS
Laurie Daborn l 07976 376615