

Over the last number of years, Gymnastics has made a huge surge within the Tranent Cluster and shows no sign of letting up.  Not only is it great fun but it enhances flexibility and coordination as well as core stability. All of these aspects of fitness can be vital for injury prevention and strength later in life. The more flexible your son or daughter is, the less chance they have of being injured.


All of our Active Schools coaches are highly experienced whether as a performer themselves or as a coach, they have everything your child needs to develop on enjoy themselves!! They are also very well linked with Saltire gymnastics club and East Lothian Gymnastics Academy which is the perfect way to move on to club level gymnastics if that is something your child wishes to do.


Please note: All performers must take part with bare feet. Any child wearing tights or socks will be asked to remove them for Health and Safety reasons.

We provide support for any pupil who requires assistance financially.  Please contact for more information.


Active Schools 300

Tranent as Gymnastics P6-7 Macmerry Primary

Please return your PC1 form to Miss Sim to attend this club

Ages: P6-7

Thursday: 27th April - 25th May
3:20pm - 4:20pm
Macmerry Primary School

Prices: Standard - Free

(If you cannot access this booking, please contact your Active Schools Coordinator)


(incl. VAT)
Active East Lothian Logo

Tranent AS Gymnastics P1-3 Sandersons Wynd

 This club will go live on Tuesday 2nd May at 6pm

Active Schools Gymnastics with Erin
Ages: P1-3
Fridays: 12th May - 16th June
1pm - 1:45pm

Location: Sandersons Wynd Primary School

Available to all pupils P1-3 from all schools

Prices: Standard - £16.00

(If you cannot access this booking, please contact your Active Schools Coordinator) 

From £11.00

(incl. VAT)
Active East Lothian Logo

Tranent AS Gymnastics P4-7 Sandersons Wynd

This club will go live on Tuesday 2nd May at 6pm.

Active Schools Gymnastics with Erin

Ages: P4-7
Fridays: 12th May - 16th June
1:45pm - 2:30pm

Location: Sandersons Wynd Primary School 

Available for all P4-7 pupils from all schools

Prices: Standard - £16:00

(If you cannot access this booking, please contact your Active Schools Coordinator)

From £11.00

(incl. VAT)



Erin Buckley

Active Schools Coordinator (Tranent Primary Cluster)

telephone: 01875 610 433 or mobile: 07976 378 469