Early Learning & Childcare - October In-service Day Training
09.00 – 09.50
Transitions – GIRFEC with Eden Blair & Jilly Banks
This workshop will allow practitioners to understand the importance of transitions in children's lives and positive, nurturing ways to support children during transitions.
Further information, can be found here.
09.30 – 11.00
Promethean in Early Years with David Crooks & Janice Prandstatter
This workshop will allow practitioners to have a better understanding of using Promethean ActiveInspire to create and deliver content with a specific focus on early learning.
Further information, can be found here.
10.00 – 10.50
Developing STEM in Early Years with Marianne McCron & Wendy Hardie
This workshop will help practitioners understand how STEM can support curiosity and problem solving in our Early Learning and Childcare settings.
Further information, can be found here.
11.00 – 11.50
Child Planning Process with Lee Campbell, Charlotte Jordan, Lynne Darling & Jennifer Boyle
This session aims to develop your understanding of your role and the steps involved in the Child Planning Process in relation to GIRFEC.
Further information, can be found here.
12.00 – 12.50
Risk Assessment with Fiona McNeill & Jilly Banks
This session will help practitioners to understand the purpose of risk assessment and understand their role and responsibilities in ensuring they are in place and adhered to.
Further information, can be found here.
13.00 – 13.50
Provocation & Invitation with Wendy Hardie & Marianne McCron
This session aims to help practitioners to understand how provocations and invitations can enhance learning in our Early Learning and Childcare Setting.
Further information, can be found here.
14.00 – 14.50
Food with Eden Blair & Jilly Banks
This workshop focuses on practitioners engaging with food guidance and developing learning opportunities around food in the setting.
Further information, can be found here.
15.00 – 15.50
Interactions with Lee Campbell & Charlotte Jordan
This workshop will explore how you can have meaningful interactions with the children as they play, to enhance their learning opportunities and support development.
Further information, can be found here.
Please note, the bookings for these workshops will close on the 8th of October. We recommend booking your place well in advance as all of these sessions have limited capacity.

ELCC005 Transitions
(incl. VAT)
ELCC006 Developing STEM in Early Years
(incl. VAT)
ELCC007 Child Planning Process
(incl. VAT)
ELCC008 Risk Assessment
(incl. VAT)
ELCC009 Provocation and Invitation
(incl. VAT)
ELCC010 Food
(incl. VAT)