MGS Running Club
Musselburgh Grammar Active Schools is delighted to announce that we will now be running a cross country running club for all ages of pupils on a Tuesday after school. Linking up with Musselburgh District Athletic Club these sessions will be coached by club coach Mike Malcolm- Smith
In linking up with Musselburgh District Athletic Club we have also created a pathway for any pupils looking to transition into the club. if any participants would like to develop their running further. with the club. Please contact your Active Schools Coordinator for more information.
No previous experience is required. Join us today and see if running is for you!
**Please Note by signing your child up to join any of our teams you are giving permission for them to participate in all school training sessions and competitions for the 2024/25 season.

MGS Running Club
Name: Running Club 2024/25
Venue: Pinkie Running Track
Ages: All S1 - S6 Pupils
Days/Dates: Every Tuesday (excluding school holidays/closures)
Times: 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm
Price: FREE
- Irrespective of attending last season or not, ALL players must be signed up using this online system by a parent or guardian.
- The date 18/06/2024 used is a placeholder for the last day to sign up for the season - All dates will be provided via TeamAPP.
- If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call or email you to discuss further how we can help to support your child.
- Please note by signing your child up to MGS Cross Country you are giving permission for them to participate in school training and competitions, both home and away for Season 2024/25.
Important: Once you have clicked SELECT remember to scroll down and click CONTINUE.
Maria Lyle
Musselburgh Grammar Active Schools Coordinator
079769 428476