
MGS Rugby  

  Our Rugby teams are a joint endeavour between Musselburgh Grammar School and Musselburgh Rugby Football Club. 

 Teams are open to all pupils who attend Musselburgh Grammar School. We welcome all abilities - no trials necessary. Once signed up pupils can attend the weekly training sessions appropriate to their age group.

**Please note by signing your child up to school rugby you are also giving permission for them to participate in any matches/fixtures, both home and away for season 2024/25. 

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MGS S1 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Name: S1 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Venue: Pinkie Rugby Pitch 1

Ages: S1 Pupils

Days/Dates: Every Tuesday with various fixtures to be advised. 

Times: Tuesday 1745 - 1900

Price: FREE

Please join M.R.F.C on Spond for all future session dates.


  1. Irrespective of attending last season or not, ALL players must be signed up using this online system by a parent or guardian.
  2. Parental & Pupil sign up to Spond is required – further details will be provided once your booking has been confirmed.
  3. The date 18/06/2024 used is a placeholder for the last day to sign up for the season - All dates will be provided via Spond
  4. If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call or email you to discuss further how we can help to support your child.
  5. Please note by signing your child up to S1 Boys Rugby you are giving permission for them to participate in school training and competitions, both home and away for Season 2023/24.

Important: Once you have clicked SELECT remember to scroll down and click CONTINUE.


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MGS S2 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Name: S2 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Venue: Pinkie St Peters Rugby Pitch 1 & Musselburgh Rugby Football Club

Ages:  S2 Pupils

Days/Dates: Every Tuesday and Wednesday  (excluding school holidays/closures) with various fixtures to be advised. 

Times: Tuesday 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm @ Musselburgh Rugby Football Club

          Wednesday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm @ Pinkie St Peters Rugby Pitch 1  

Price: FREE

Please join M.R.F.C on Spond for all future session dates.


  1. Irrespective of attending last season or not, ALL players must be signed up using this online system by a parent or guardian.
  2. Parental & Pupil sign up to Spond is required – further details will be provided once your booking has been confirmed.
  3. The date 18/06/2024 used is a placeholder for the last day to sign up for the season - All dates will be provided via Spond
  4. If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call or email you to discuss further how can help to support your child.
  5. Please note by signing your child up to S2 Boys Rugby you are giving permission for them to participate in school training and competitions, both home and away for Season 2023/24.

Important: Once you have clicked SELECT remember to scroll down and click CONTINUE.


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MGS S3 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Name: S3 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

 Venue: Pinkie Playing Fields - Rugby Pitch 1 and Musselburgh Rugby Football Club

Ages:  S3

Days/Dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday with various fixtures to be advised

Times: Tuesday 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm at Pinkie Rugby Pitch 1

           Thursday 5.00pm - 7.00pm at Musselburgh Rugby Football Club

Price: FREE

Please join MRFC on Spond for all future session dates.


  1. Irrespective of attending last season or not, ALL players must be signed up using this online system by a parent or guardian.
  2. Parental & Pupil sign up to Spond is required – further details will be provided once your booking has been confirmed.
  3. The date 18/06/2024 used is a placeholder for the last day to sign up for the season - All dates will be provided via Spond
  4. If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call or email you to discuss further how we can help to support your child.
  5. Please note by signing your child up to rugby you are giving permission for them to participate in school training and competitions, both home and away for Season 2024/25

Important: Once you have clicked SELECT remember to scroll down and click CONTINUE.


(incl. VAT)
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MGS U18 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Name: U18 Boys Rugby Season 2024/25

Venue: Musselburgh Rugby Football Club

Ages:  S3 - S6 Pupils

Days/Dates: Every Tuesday & Thursday (excluding school holidays/closures) with various fixtures to be advised. 

Tuesdays: 1800 - 1930

Please join M.R.F.C on Spond for all future session dates,


  1. Irrespective of attending last season or not, ALL players must be signed up using this online system by a parent or guardian.
  2. Parental & Pupil sign up to Spond is required – further details will be provided once your booking has been confirmed.
  3. The date 22/06/2024 used is a placeholder for the last day to sign up for the season - All dates will be provided via Spond.
  4. If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call or email you to discuss further how can help to support your child.
  5. Please note by signing your child up to U18 Boys Rugby you are giving permission for them to participate in school training and competitions, both home and away for Season 2024/25.

Important: Once you have clicked SELECT remember to scroll down and click CONTINUE.


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Maria Lyle

Musselburgh Grammar Active Schools Coordinator 

079769 428476