Judo 1


Judo - with Destination Judo

Destination Judo is Britain’s largest children’s judo school. Our goal is to enthuse children with the sport, to help them keep fit and have fun, and ultimately to coach them to success at the highest level.

The company was established by Marc Preston, one of Scotland’s most successful male judo players of his generation, a medallist at the World Cup and Commonwealth Games and one of a handful of Scots ever to win the British Open, as well as many other judo related achievements. Marc was part of the British Olympic coaching back-up staff for 1996, is currently Vice Chairman of JudoScotland and an accredited coach on the newly UKCC.

Initially operating as an individual, Marc gradually built up the business to the situation today where Destination Judo is Britain’s largest and fastest growing Junior Judo school with Destination Judo community clubs in East Central Scotland and North East England, as well as clubs in schools in the both the public and private sector.

There classes are dynamic and high energy, with the use of funky music and games – as well as progressive techniques for teaching judo. For the more gifted children, Destination Judo has a range of squad classes which help children to hone the competition and fighting skills which are enabling them to compete at National level. However, for many, the motivation is simply fitness and fun.

The coaches are full-time professionals who are specialists both in judo and in teaching children. We are super excited this term to have partnered up with Destination Judo who are going to run a 4 week free block of Judo for beginners. 

Active Schools 300

Musselburgh AS Judo - 8-10 Years

Musselburgh Judo

Beginners only 

Musselburgh Sports Centre

Ages: 8-10 Years


17th, 24th February 

3rd, 10th March 

4.45pm - 5.30pm

Prices: FREE

If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 


(incl. VAT)
act sch

Musselburgh AS Judo -5-7 years

Musselburgh Judo

Beginners only

Musselburgh Sports Centre

Ages: 5-7 Years


17th, 24th February 

3rd, 10th March

4.00pm - 4.45pm

Price: FREE

If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child.


(incl. VAT)
Active Schools 300

Musselburgh AS Judo - 11+ Years

Musselburgh AS Judo 11+ years

Beginners only 

Musselburgh Sports Centre

Ages: 11+ Years


17th, 24th February 

3rd, 10th March 

5.30pm - 6.15pm

Prices: FREE

If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 


(incl. VAT)


Anna Potter

 Active Schools Coordinator (Musselburgh Primary Schools)


07976376945 / 0131 665 4278

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