Active Schools Football

 At Active Schools Football, we'll have fun games and drills to improve fundamental Football skills such as passing, dribbling and shooting; movement skills such as, coordination, balance and change of direction; and mental skills such as cooperation and teamwork.

Please ensure your child wears suitable clothing and footwear for doing sport! Please also remember a bottle of water.

For all the latest updates, follow Musselburgh Active Schools on Facebook and Twitter.


act sch

Musselburgh AS Girls only Football - P1-3

Girls only Football 

Pinkie St Peters Primary School Gym Hall 

Ages: P1-P3


25th February

4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March

1st April

Time: 4.00pm - 4.45pm


If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 


(incl. VAT)
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Musselburgh AS Girls only Football - P4-7

Girls only Football 

Pinkie St Peters Primary School Gym Hall

Ages: P4-P7


25th February

4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March

1st April

Time: 4.45pm - 5.30pm


If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 


(incl. VAT)


Anna Potter

 Active Schools Coordinator (Musselburgh Primary Schools)

07976376945 / 0131 665 4278

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