
P1-3 Gymnastics : Wednesdays 4:15-5pm

P4-7 Gymnastics : Wednesdays 5 - 5:45pm

Active East Lothian Logo

Musselburgh AS Gymnastics - P1-3

Musselburgh Gymnastics - P1-3

Musselburgh Grammar (Gym 1)

Age: P1-3


26th February

5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 

4.15pm - 5:00pm

£10 FULL

£8 ATL

If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 

From £8.00

(incl. VAT)
Active East Lothian Logo

Musselburgh AS Gymnastics - P4-7

Musselburgh Gymnastics - P4-7

Musselburgh Grammar (Gym 1)

Age: P4-7


26th February 

5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 

5.00pm - 5.45pm

£10 FULL

£8 ATL

If your child has previously benefited from additional support, please let us know when signing up. We may call you to discuss further to how we can support your child. 

From £8.00

(incl. VAT)


Anna Potter

 Active Schools Coordinator (Musselburgh Primary Schools)

07976376945 / 0131 665 4278

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